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    Diet plans

    There is an almost bewildering array of diet plans on the market these days. It almost seems like every time you turn on the television, the latest and greatest one is being announced.
    However, not all diet plans are created equal, and not all diet plans will work for all people. Here is a brief overview of some of the more prominent diet plans, and how they are intended to work to help people lose weight.
    For an overall eating plan, the DASH diet has been shown to help people lose weight and improve their health. DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, was developed to help lower blood pressure naturally. The DASH diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and lowfat dairy foods, and is low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol. The DASH eating plan includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts and low amounts of fats, red meats, or sugary foods.
    A second clinical diet, DASH-Sodium, is similar in nature, but also decided to lower sodium.  The greatest blood pressure-reducing benefits were seen on this diet if sodium was less that 1500 milligrams per day (about a teaspoon in all foods).
    Programs like Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, mild to moderate diets, are popular for a number of reasons There is calorie counting and portion control built right into the plans, through both their menus, and their foods. There is also support and advice, and a buddy type of system which offers encouragement and accountability in terms of your specific weight loss goals. You can attend meetings, weigh in, and get in-person and online support and tools.
    Nutrisystem and Medifast are two other popular mild to moderate diet plans with special foods already prepared for you, plus the added convenience of home delivery. There is no calorie counting or cooking involved apart from adding salad, fruit, vegetables and dairy in addition to the three meals a day plus snack program.
    The Best Life diet helps people lose weight through small lifestyle changes that become habit which will lead to healthy, long-lasting results. It seeks to educated people about more healthy eating options on all of their every day products.  It was developed by popular talk show host Oprah's personal trainer Bob Greene.
    The Eat Right for Your Type Diet is based on the idea of eating according to your blood type. According to the originator of this plan, Peter DםAdamo, your blood type affects your nutritional requirements, and how you react to certain foods.  Changing what you eat to fit that parameter will help you to lose weight and get healthy. Following the list of permitted foods for your blood type, and avoiding the forbidden ones, is intended to bring you back into balance and help you lose weight.
    The Alkaline-Acid Diet is based on the idea that the body always needs to be in balance. The Alkaline-Acid diet is designed to help you reach this balance if your internal environment has become more acidic. Acidity and alkalinity are measured on the pH scale. Numbers from 1 to 6 are considered acidic with 1 being the most acidic. On the other end, numbers from 8 to 14 are considered alkaline with 14 being the most alkaline. The body maintains a neutral internal environment which corresponds to a pH of 7.
    While it has been used for weight loss, the main goal of the alkaline-acid diet tries to ward off illness through keeping the body in balance. The saliva is tested every day, and foods selected based on how alkaline they are.
    The Atkins and the South Beach Diet are both based on limiting carbohydrates in the diet.  Both diets have a variety of cookbooks, foods and meal replacement bars and other products. By restricting carbohydrates to a fraction of what Americans typically eat, the body goes into a metabolic state called ketosis. In this state, the body burns its own fat for fuel. The diet is high in protein and healthy fats.  There is no calorie counting, just carb counting. Low-carb diets are popular due to rapid weight loss results.
    Before beginning any diet, you should consult with a doctor and/or nutritionist about eating right, exercising safely, and what your weight loss goals should realistically be.  You should also take any underlying health

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