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    נושא הדיאטה מעסיק את מרבית האנשים

    דיאטה או הרזיה, הינם נושאים שמעסיקים את מרבית האנשים בשלב זה או אחר של חייהם. היום, ההשמנה אינה פוסחת גם על ילדים, כך שהמושג דיאטה לילדים או דיאטה לנוער, אינו…

    The diet and weight loss connection

    Diets for weight loss are so common, it seems that almost every day a new weight loss diet is being published and touted on the front cover of every magazine,…

    What happens when you diet

    We hear the word diet almost every day, but what actually happens in the body when we start to diet with the goal of trying to lose weight?…

    Beware of Portion Distortion on a Diet

    Beware of Portion Distortion on a Diet How large is a portion? A lot of us think we are reading the food labels correctly, or eating right in a healthy…


    Good nutritional habits aren’t just important for preventing disease, they can also help you watch your weight. Rates of overweight and obesity are higher than ever in the United States,…

    Butter versus margarine

    Butter or margarine, which one is the healthier diet option for you? For many years, it has been assumed that margarine was better for you, because of less saturated fat.…

    Successful Diet Tips

    There are many diets on the market, some more extreme than others in terms of what you can and can't eat. However, there are a number of diet tips that…